2013年7月14日 星期日
2013年7月4日 星期四
2013年6月23日 星期日
alarm sound
audio 內可加上 autoplay loop
用 google-code-prettify 在網頁中嵌入代碼
var settings = { monsterNumbers: true, effectDurations: true, gemIcon: true, skillHotkey: true, turnDivider: true, roundCounter: true, monsterData: false, highlightChanneling: true, };
用 google-code-prettify 在網頁中嵌入代碼
2013年5月18日 星期六
[3D Max] Linking Objects to Plane Vertex
- Creating the objects with planed quantity and then make a proper sized plane with about 20*20 segments which as more as better and place under those objects.
- Downloading script at http://cghub.com/scripts/view/64/ then install it. Remember the destination where you installed.
- If you run the script directly with all objects on selected and link them to the plane, the result will be like the picture: all objects been linked to the helper dots then stick on the plane - sync motion both position and orientation.
- Next, we are going to de-sync the orientation with plane surface. If you follow the step to #3, you need to clean up all of the helper dots we created on previous step: select all helper dots and delete them. Open the script from MAXScript > Open Script > the destination you installed (i.e. %userpath%\scripts\TiMScripts\Rigging\) > Attach_Selection_to_Surface_by_Local_Z.ms.
- And now it's good to go: all objects sync the motion with the plane surface but their orientation always face-up!
2013年2月25日 星期一
Google Music 筆記
- 分類
- Songs - 單曲
- Artists -
- Albums - 依照標籤內的 Album Artists,若單張專輯內有多位作者可在Album Artists 留空,Google Music 會自動轉換作者欄位為 Various。
- Genre - 風格,可依個人喜好設定。
2013年2月22日 星期五
FreeRapid 下載 Twitch.tv
- 開啟 FreeRapid 設定內的 Download Direct Link
- 把欲下載的影片網址貼進 FreeRapid,分析後會出現無法下載的檔案。
- 全選按右鍵複製連結後貼在記事本上把 *.flv 後的亂碼砍掉在貼在瀏覽器上即可下載。
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