2013年5月18日 星期六

[3D Max] Linking Objects to Plane Vertex

  1.  Creating the objects with planed quantity and then make a proper sized plane with about 20*20 segments which as more as better and place under those objects.
  2. Downloading script at http://cghub.com/scripts/view/64/ then install it. Remember the destination where you installed.
  3. If you run the script directly with all objects on selected and link them to the plane, the result will be like the picture: all objects been linked to the helper dots then stick on the plane - sync motion both position and orientation.
  4. Next, we are going to de-sync the orientation with plane surface. If you follow the step to #3, you need to clean up all of the helper dots we created on previous step: select all helper dots and delete them. Open the script from MAXScript > Open Script > the destination you installed (i.e. %userpath%\scripts\TiMScripts\Rigging\) > Attach_Selection_to_Surface_by_Local_Z.ms.
  5. Searching the file with "d.position.controller" then add a new line with "d.position.controller.align = false" then save the file and run it.
  6. And now it's good to go: all objects sync the motion with the plane surface but their orientation always  face-up!